
Unsolicited Application

Full Time
Experienced Professionals
July 17, 2024

Thank you for your interest in joining Deutsche Windtechnik

Our vision is to be the preferred independent service provider for all wind farm owners and operators by making our services safer, cleaner, efficient, compliant and right the first time.

To submit your unsolicited application simply upload your CV or link your LinkedIn profile below. 

We process this data for recruitment purposes only. The processing and storage of your personal data will be carried out for the duration of the recruitment process, if necessary. After fulfilment of the process, but after 6 months at the latest, we will delete them. If the storage of the data is no longer necessary for the execution of the recruitment process and if we do not have your consent, which would justify a longer storage period, the data will be deleted. Candidates that have provided consent, the company may keep your application on file for up to 2 years. If you would like to delete your data before this deadline you can inform us by emailing career-uk@deutsche-windtechnik.com

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